Time is moving real fast and while I was flipping my calendar wanting to plan my off days and how I would want to spend it.. I come to realize that it’s coming to April already…. And that means… I have been a DHL permanent employee for over a year now… I got converted to a permanent staff effective March last year. In total I’ve been in DHL for nearly 2 years now, which is something good :P How life have been in DHL, I guess it’s pretty much like the sea… sometimes calm, sometimes pretty rough… all jobs are like that la, right?
But compared to the year before, I was a more motivated and hardworking freak that work blindly and neglected other things in life… I sacrifices a lot of weekends for work and stayed later than normal. Now, I learnt that working smart would be a better option.
Anyways, looking back the past one year, I truly did enjoyed myself, engaging myself with work and activities… some i have blogged about previously...
Let me see… let me just start with my 2 weeks induction training in HQ, Menara TM. Pretty much a getaway from work for 2 weeks that I really enjoyed to the fullest :DLet me just as usual put the photos so it can self explain rather than I write a whole long essay about my 2 weeks…. It was last year anyways, June 08, so it’s another “yesterday” kinda post but bringing back great memories….

Flew off from PG to KL on Sunday afternoon and checked in to Armada.. that was then Armada Hotel PJ... the renovated rooms now are more chic and nicer to stay in :P
First dinner in KL somewhere opposite PJ Hilton, next to Giant... forgot the name :P

Group photo taken the first day with my batch of inductees

Banana leave rice at Sri Paandi courtesy of Thevakumar... :D

Break time at sky garden, DHL Express Menara TM
Our dinner, the worst ever nasi goreng pattaya... at the night malay stall/foodcourt somewhere near Giant too

Next day dinner again at Midvalley.... food and food again.. this shows I was not starved at any point of time during induction :P

Chicken pie lunch at San Francisco Coffee Menara TM, which was not nice :P

Banana leaves rice again.... i tell you, I've never had so much banana leaves rice in my whole life in 2 weeks consecutive........ :P This is somewhere in KL Sentral...
BBQ at one of the KL CSE's residence.. This was their BSG team BBQ dinner gathering on the Friday of the first week of our stay and so happen we were there, they invited us to join along :D

Look at the food... yum....

BBQ by the pool.. and it has got really nice pool and view too...

Free and easy weekend... while the ladies gone to each other's friend's and brother's place to stay, i have the room for myself on the whole saturday and i made a date with a friend, Tze Yuin... she was an ex-colleague of mine now working in KL... she fetch me that afternoon and treated me for lunch and basically we spent the entire day around the Curve, Ikano, Ikea and 1 Utama... and it's a time to catch up also after some time did not manage to meet up... when we were working together in the bank, she was like a mentor and a sister to me... very jaga me wan :D

Dinner at 1Utama and Big Apple donuts i took days to finish :P

Typical daily breakfast.. i has breakfast alone on a Sunday morning cos everyone went elsewhere and i slept the night before with all lights on and tv watching me in the end... sorry mother nature...

Lunch before out field visit to EPJ, courtesy of CFO, if i'm not mistaken :D
EPJ with my fellow "classmates" and we get to go on a courier ride... on my route i get to go Raber Castle and see the giant pencil, and a lot of Lotus cars in Proton Edar :P The courier i tagged along was Dave... real skinny guy....
Dinner at Asia Cafe courtesy of Eugene... not bad.. lotsa choices of cuisines all over Asia.... where is the place.. i don't know... Eugene gave us a ride and took us for dinner before sending us back to the hotel and back to Nilai again... woosh...
Lunch at Hong Ngek Restaurant, located at Jalan HS Lee. We had got a long lunch hour that day and Anuja decided to bring us to chinese food this round since I complained we have been having too much indian food already :P Pretty packed during lunch hours and the food served is yummy too... so that explains the crowd...
Last day in KL, aih... banana leaves again... haha.. since it's last meal and I'm quite used to it already.. okay la... afterall, i enjoy eating curry rice also :D I can't remember the name of the restaurants though... Anuja brought us there so i sit in the car and listen to DHL Raga.. haha.. i don't know what radio channel is that, a tamil channel but all i understand is that only...

Menara TM where DHL Express HQ is located
Our graduation night.... at Tea for Two, Jln Telawi, Bangsar

Yummy food served after graduation ceremony :D

Excited people everywhere.....

Photo session with my colleagues all over MY... the ladies...

and the boys.... and ladies too :D
Time flies.... this i cannot deny... what can I do is continue to run with it since it can't be stopped..
or perhaps sometimes stop for a while and look back the good times and memories, and then sprint again to catch up with time...
Coming up soon... Other activities joined in DHL within the year and the very recent trip to PulauJerejak with fellow colleagues, only last Saturday... although the attendance was only half of the team, we have indeed had the time of our lives.. enjoying ourselves with lotsa laughters.... It still and will always put a smile on my face everytime I view the photos taken that day...