I felt that the month just passed too fast... i have not done much for the past one month.... it' s all just work, work work and work.... i should be doing my shopping for CNY but i did nothing much.. arghh... pls slow down... i think the earth is spinning slightly faster already.. :P And for the past 30 days, i did not blog also... i prepared all the photos but procrastinating again... i'm just too tired after work.. no no.. the time is moving extremely fast... why it is not moving faster when i'm at work? hehe.. *excuse.. excuse~ lazy mah say lazy loe... hor? :P
Now.. let the photos do the talking.. a lil bit lazy to do too much typing today... maybe i was too disturbed with the movie i just went with my colleagues... Rambo IV.. this is not 18SG.. this is super freaking 18SG.. the whole movie, 80% of the scenes were violent scenes where body parts flew all over, body parts hancur kecai-kecai, heads explosion or the whole head just fell off, limbs disconnected from bodies.. ahh.. enough details... it's just too violent... too old ppl kenot watch that.. they can get heart attack..
Let me just try to recall what have i been doing for the past 1 month besides the normal daily routine must do-s...
First day of new year, went lunch with Ah Goh and did some groceries... lunch at Dragon I

And first day of work of 2008, guess what.. lunch at Dragon I again... a colleague of mine, Sean, said that it's a new year. first day working of the new year, should celebrate and eat somehting better than the everyday zhap fan we had at batu maung.. well.. not everyday.. but pretty frequent...keke.. so Dragon I it is... i told him i just had Dragon I yesterday!! he said it's okay.. cos it's me who had Dragon I for lunch yesterday.. not him... grrr... :P

And for dinner, we eventually wanted to go either 8th Row or the one at Nagore lane... but we left office pretty late. so decided to have the one nearer.. our first choice was the one at Pekaka.. But closed.. sigh.. we then went to the one at Yellow house... the one next to Hong Leong Bank... it was definitely a wrong choice... variety wise... not much.. all marinated meat, fish & chicken were not very fresh.. aih.. need not say more... no more next time....

Went for seafood dinner a week later ar Tambun... another colleague of mine, Justin, just got his car that week after a long long wait... so, we made him drive... muahaha... 3rd time eating at the same place but then i still cannot remember the name.. it's one of the last restaurant towards the end with big parking space.... and parking guy with good memory..

Another week later, we went Bayu Restaurant.. previously known as Sea Wind... the wind was strong and good thing the food we ordered did not ended up all flew away or stucked at our face. And no more next time also for that place.. food was not impressive... environment wise was okay.. if only there for drinks.. still can consider...

Some random food photos taken during lunch at Lan Kuai Fong.. they all look pretty much the same colour... :P

And Aaron belanja us all makan Haagen Dazs Fondue! yummy yummy...

Missed today's New Zealand natural's 30%..... gonna go get Baskin tomorrow if manage to get back early from Aaron's farewell dinner at East Hokaiddo Restaurant... which i doubt it.. CNY in 8 days.. I am not prepared!! sob sob.. last minute shopping this weekend i hope.. ahh.. so many things to do... My lil boy need grooming... need to bring him for pampering so he can go home smelling good and looking handsome :P i have facial appointment... i need to do shopping... ahhhhhh... gila d... i need more time....