ahhh... another long weekend passed just like that... now i'm so lazy wanna go back to work.. even thought i went to the office today to check and update customer some shpts, i was so lazy i wanted to get my ass out of there as soon as i can..
anyways, i turned 25 last saturday... cheers to one year older, one year wiser, i hope.. haha... really hope i did not become like one year more stupid.... praying for the best for my self...
my birthday this year went off just like that.. no big celebration, pretty quiet birthday this year... my birthday was celebrated alone at home... :)
on last wednesday, colleagues bought us cake, early birthday for me and my work buddy... thanks all! You all are such sweet people.. muacks!!

well, on my birthday eve, we had this muhibah thingy going on in the office... many started on leave for the long weekend... one of the Programme Manager was alone, so we invited her for lunch and she in the end treated us lunch at Swensens... Thanks boss! Took some photos for the muhibah day too....

At night, went supper for pulau tikus's market lok lok, at the same time i get to see the perfomances for the phor tor.. haha... i din take any photos though.. the lady wore a dress made from plastic bags of Maggi's packet, and her hat is a maggi bowl cup!! Thanks dear, you know who you are.. :) ! Also thanks to everyone who sent me the sms-es, msg via facebook and friendster with wonderful birthday wishes.
When I went to work in the birthday morning, Jo bought me nasi lemak.. birthday treat i reckon.. haha.. she says that grown up already... can eat nasi lemak already.. haha... thanks for the treat dear! She in fact have treated myself and my work buddy for sakae sushi days back... for our birthday (mine 30th and my work buddy on 31st)... My bestest friend, Ah May called me from Perth to wish me too that morning cos she actually sent me a sms and i forgot to lock the keypad, accidentally called her, so she returned my call.. haha.. sorry babe!

After work, since I was free, went to Queensbay, treated myself for a upper lips waxing (ouch!) at Jurlique and a tub of New Zealand Natural ice cream!! wahahaha... came home hungry and cooked myself a bowl of Korean Instant noodle and start my movie marathon...Watched
Definitely, Maybe... a nice movie... also
PS: I Love You... another nice one... and
What Happened in Vegas .. Funny shiet....

The day pretty much gone by just like that.. so i spent my birthday watching dvd, online and updating facebook album at the same time and play with my little boy... i self declared that he have the same birthday as mine.. when I got him, he was 5 months old... after calculating, got to know he's an August puppy... just don't know which particular date... so my baby boy is 4 years old!!!! uncle d... hahaha... i din get him any special cake though... instead i bought him 5 packs of his favourite treats... hahaha..

Oh ya.. i got some pressies too, which i din really expected, you guys shouldn't have... but thanks heaps to you, branda, joey, my sis, you, you, you and you and everyone... etc etc... to me, it's always the heart that counts... my dad sms-ed me that morning.. and i kurang asam-ly asked where is my ang pao.. wahahahaha.. sorry pa.. i was just joking!

The next morning, merdeka morning.. woke up really early.. infact i woke up earlier than my normal working days... went for a drive to feringghi to enjoy the morning breeze and beach, initially wanted to go for Park Royal buffet breakfast.. well.. didn't expect it was going to be that expensive... haha.. RM55++, cost only RM3 lesser than buffet lunch! decided to pass and drove down Tropical Spice garden to checkout what they have since we're around that area.. they have breakfast buy variety wise wasn't not that much.. so we took a slow drive back to Gurney and had breakfast at Mr Pot instead... friend's toast came with extra ingredient.. natural ingredient.. look at the photo.. wakaka.. they changed it immediately we showed them! And the mango.. er.. basically we did not order it.. this one uncle came and wanted to sell us some fruits.. mangoes, rambutans, corns, langsat etc.. we politely declined so he thank us and got on his bicycle.. then we realised he left a mango behind and it was a little too late for us to give it back to him... unless we ran across the road and chase his bicycle.. so sorry uncle.. next time i see u, i pay you back for the mango okie :)
Went to do some banking again.. always have a lot of banking to do.... especially beginning of the month... bills need to be settled!!! bluerghhh... head to Gurney Plaza, got myself a luggage bag!! haha... can't wait for my trip!!! intially i wanted to buy some japanese plates... which was so cheap!! i thought okay.. i go see my luggage first... i should have grab it and carry it along.. cos when i'm done with my luggage, it's gone!! it's like 10 sets sitting there when i saw it and it's all gone... grrr... so gerammm!!! then i see few aunties walking around holding my plates!!! er.. not exactly my plates laa... but i wanted to buy it mahhh.. lesson learnt.. the next time i see something i wanted, i'll grab it first then only decide if i still want it or don't want it later before exiting the store!!
Went to 2 temples, my friend went to do donation and i tagged along...then end our day with late lunch at Padang Brown... had yummy yong tau foo.. it's has been nearly a year since the last time i went there... someone used to bring me there since we enjoyed eating there a lot... alright.. sad story aside... both of us practically eat out heart out.. yong tau foo and we have 2nd round serving too! then the cucur udang and siew mai. my friend had an extra baby bowl of laksa.... :P so that was my lunch and dinner all together... Another Sunday well spent :) thanks dear for the great company!

Reached home around 5pm really tired, fell asleep i don't know when, until 2am! haha.. i stayed awake until now... went to office early in the morning, then sent my laundry and go pamper my hair.. hehe... gotta go work tomorrow... soo layyzeeeeee.....